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What is covered under our Campervan Insurance Policy

Remember, the Policy Excess is €125.00 in respect of each and every claim.

Satellite Dishes

Satellite Dishes

Cover up to €3,000 for any one occurrence in the campervan, for loss or damage by Fire, Theft or Accidental means



Cover up to €2,000 for any one occurrence in or on the campervan, for loss or damage by Fire, Theft or Accidental means

campervan insurance

Single Axle Trailers and “A Frame” Trailers

Up to half tonne unladen weight are covered for third Party liability while attached or detached from the campervan. It is important to note that the towing of trailers is permitted for leisure purposes only.

Contents in the Camper

Personal Effects/ Contents in the Camper

Cover up to a limit of €4,000 for any one occurrence for Loss or damage to personal effects, luggage and contents occurring in or on the camper by fire, theft or accidental means


campervan insurance benefits

Non-Permanent TV’s & Videos

Cover applies for any one occurrence for loss or damage to TV’s or Videos by fire, theft or accidental means. The maximum amount payable is €750 unless they form part of the manufacturers standard specification and are permanently fitted.

Satellite Navigation Equipment

Sat Nav (Satellite Navigation)

Cover applies up to an amount of 5% of the current market value of the Campervan/ Motor Caravan, for any one occurrence, loss of or damage to permanently fitted satellite navigation equipment occurring in the Campervan/ Motor Caravan by fire, theft or accidental means.


Pedal Cycles

Cover applies up to an amount of €300 for any one occurrence, for loss of or damage to Pedal Cycles occurring in or on the Motor Caravan by fire, theft or accidental means

What is Not covered under our Campervan Insurance Policy:

Below is a brief overview of some of the more common cover camper van insurance exclusions. Please refer to your Aviva Campervan Insurance policy document and schedule for full details of all terms, conditions, exceptions and exclusions.

  • Campervans/ Motorhomes valued over €100,000 (unless separately agreed and noted by us)
  • Contents and Personal Effects over €4,000 (unless separately agreed and noted by us)
  • Depreciation, wear and tear, mechanical or electrical breakdown
  • Damage to tyres by braking, punctures, cuts or bursts
  • Loss of use

  • Loss or damage to Radio, Hi-Fi, The Campervan Phone or C.B Equipment, unless stated or agreed any amount in excess of 5% of the current market value of the campervan or €650 whichever is less
  • Jewellery
  • Money, stamps, documents or securities
  • Credit/Debit Cards
  • Any person insured having a breath, blood or urine sample alcohol/ drug above the legal limit
  • Any modifications, unless they form part of the manufacturers standard specifications or are optional extras that Aviva have agreed to cover

campervan insurance

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